Rhode Island Health Care Cost Growth Target Implementation Manual and Information for Insurers

1. The Implementation Manual contains the methodology the Health Care Cost Trends Steering Committee used to set the health care cost growth target, and the methodologies for calculating performance against the target. Appendix A contains the technical specifications and instructions that licensed insurers must use for data reporting. This version was last updated August 2023.

RI Implementation Manual_CY2021 - CY2022 Version 9

RI Quality Implementation Manual_CY2022 Version 2

RI Behavioral Health Spend Obligation Implementation Manual Version 1

2. The Cost Growth Target and Performance Submission Template should be used by licensed insurers to submit their total medical expense (TME) data to OHIC.  Data that is submitted in any other form will not be accepted by OHIC.

Attachment 1. Rhode Island CGT Performance 2021-2022 Submission Template 2023 08-01

Attachment 2. Rhode Island Primary Care Spending Submission Template 2023 08-01

Attachment 3. RI Quality Measure Performance 2022 Submission Template 2023 08-01

Attachment 4. Rhode Island Behavioral Health Spending Submission Template 2024 7-9

OHIC BH Code Reference File Version 1 2024-7-9

RI Standard Deviation Example

Appendix F and G

For questions about the annual insurer data reporting process, email Cory King