OHIC General Research
OHIC depends on precise data and up-to-date knowledge of Rhode Island's healthcare system. OHIC monitors the status of the health insurance market, and collects data that help evaluate current programs. With this data, OHIC can identify changes that may need to be made. OHIC also conducts research to help understand stakeholders' needs.
OHIC General Research Documents
In their annual market enrollment reports, OHIC documents who is participating in the health insurance market and how many people are enrolled in each insurance carrier. OHIC also surveys doctors about their experiences, creating another avenue of communication between OHIC and key stakeholders. Additionally, OHIC researches specific issues to support other initiatives or in response to recent developments.
Primary Care Expenditure Data Update June 2020
Potentially Preventable Readmissions in RI - April 2014
Primary Care Spending Report- Jan 2014
Hospital Services - Rhode Island Final Report 2013
Commercial Insurance Enrollment Report- Sep 2013
Primary Care Spending Report- Sep 2012
Assessment Alternatives Study- April 2012
Commercial Insurance Enrollment Report- April 2012
Hospital Payment Study Final- Dec 2012
Hospital Payment Study Appendices- Dec 2012
HIAC Commercial Health Insurance Premium Trends Presentation- Sep 2012
Wakely Actuarial Report on RI Exchange- Dec 2011
General Market Research Provider Contracting Survey Results- June 2011